Creating a Github Hosted Blog

Currently taking a cybersecurity bootcamp through work as a side hustle. Part of what I'm doing in the class is documenting some things for myself and for others in the cohort that they might want to also do for the inevitable job hunt. Today's effort is spinning up a professional…

Step 1 - Pi Hole

Going to clean up my home setup. First step was to cut down on the crap ads and other stuff when browsing the web. I’ve set one up before so I figured it would be straight forward…. It would be if I didn’t have ATT and their supplied router. It’s…


Just now starting looking at the first class I'm taking at WGU. It's 1:44 AM on Saturday... Why I'm not asleep, I just don't know. What I do know is that I'm doubting my decision to do this degree. The work will be a slog. Not complex enough to make…

Disclose The Agent - Write up

Decided to start back up with some basic training after someone mentioned The site impressed me. Here is a writeup on one of their public facing challenges that kind of shows what to expect. Disclose the Agent Premise is that you've got a PCAP file and you need to…

Comptia Security

Starting the second part of my pivot triangle. Degree, certs, and proof of work. The certs part is going to be some of the roughest parts of the path. College is cheap and success is pretty broadly defined. (Make straight C’s and still have a degree…) For the certs I’ve…


My employer, Walmart, has started offering a tuition benefit to all employees. It’s mostly geared for associates trying to get their first degree but it is open to everyone. It works out to a dollar a day, they cover all other tuition and books. That was too enticing to pass…